2025軽井沢フォトフェスト(2025 Karuizawa Foto Fest:KFF2025) の開催について







クリエイティブ・ディレクターとして、軽井沢在住の写真家 野辺地ジョージ氏による企画案を実現すべく、観光協会理事の遠山勉が第1回開催時と同様実行委員長を務めます。今回は、観光協会の外郭組織として実行委員会を位置付け、詳細の事業化を見据えて活動を開始しております。

その他、詳細な応募要領はここ https://www.karuizawafotofest.jp/submit


The Karuizawa Foto Fest (KFF) is an open-air exhibition of photos submitted by photographers from around the world, and after the success of the first event in the spring of 2023, the organizing committee is now working on the second event to be held next year in order to make this event an established spring tradition in Karuizawa.

Outline of the 3rd annual KFF

Dates: April 26 to May 25, 2025

Exhibition sites (planned): Yagasaki Park and Oiwake Park


1) Single Photo Category

■ Eligible Photography Period: January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024

■ Eligible Photography Area: Photos taken in Karuizawa Town, Miyota Town, Komoro City, Tomi City, Tsumagoi Village, Naganohara Town, Saku City, and Annaka City.

2) Photo Series Category *New Category for this year.

5~10 photographs + one statement judged as one cohesive theme or series.

Statements are limited to English or Japanese only, up to 250 words (English) or 400 characters(Japanes).

■Eligible photography period: For KFF2025, any photographs made before December 31, 2024 (no limit on past dates)

■Eligible Photography Area: Divided into three categories according to the following geographic divisions.

1)Series featuring 5+ photos taken in the Town of Karuizawa: Name: “Karuizawa Division”

2)Series of photos taken in Karuizawa plus 7 cities, towns and villages surrounding Karuizawa (Miyota Town, Komoro City, Tomi City, Tsumagoi Village, Naganohara Town, Saku City and Annaka City) - Name: “8 Region Division"

3)Series of photos that do not fit the conditions of the above two divisions, including all photographs made in overseas regions and in other Japanese regions (or the majority of photographs were taken in other Japanese regions). Name: ”Global Division”

Please carefully read the application guidelines on the Karuizawa Foto Fest website before submitting your work. https://www.karuizawafotofest.jp/submit


Karuizawa Foto Fest Committee Members



主催:軽井沢フォトフェスト実行委員会 後援:軽井沢観光協会

Producer: Karuizawa Tourism

大会会長 土屋芳春 

President: Yoshiharu Tsuchiya

大会副会長 委員長 鈴木健夫 

VP, Committee Chariman: Takeo Suzuki

実行委員長 遠山勉 

Chief Secretary: Tsutomu Toyama

クリエイティブ・ディレクター 野辺地ジョージ

Creative Director: George Nobechi

広報(代表) 小林里恵 

Public Relations: Rie Kobayashi

実行委員 久住直子

Senior Committee Member: Naoko Kusumi

実行委員 深町基 

Senior Committee Member: Motoi Fukamachi

事務局 新宅弘惠

Administration: Hiroe Shintaku

事務局 掛川礼央

Administration: Reo Kakegawa


2024年度新実行委員 2024 New Committee Members

たけなかあいこ Aiko Takenaka

伊藤大地 Daichi Ito

中澤和夫 Kazuo Nakazawa

斉藤真理子 Mariko Saito

中里玲子 Reiko Nakasato

早川智惠子 Chieko Hayakawa

村上邦久 Kunihisa Murakami

津金沢周子 Shuko Tsuganezawa

窪田啓二 Keiji Kubota

黒岩このみ Konomi Kuroiwa

香取 肇 Hajime Katori

野田直子 Naoko Noda