©Takayuki Narita
軽井沢フォトフェスト Karuizawa Foto Fest (kff) ピンホールカメラ・ワークショップ by 成田貴亨 Pinhole Camera Workshop by Narita Takayuki
1月28日(土)17時〜18時 オリエンテーションとオプショナル講座:お家でもできる「暗室」の作り方
1月29日(日)9時〜17時 本編
レンズを使用しない針穴だけのカメラを紙箱を使って作り、自分の手でシャッターを開け閉めして初冬の軽井沢に流れる時間と光を撮影します。 露光時間はおおむね15秒~10分ほど。最初に得られる画像は白黒の諧調が反転したネガ像(陰画)ですが、今回はさらにこのネガ像を暗室でのプリント作業によって階調を反転させてポジ像(陽画)を作るところまでを体験します。いまや古風とも言えるような光の定着プロセスですが、この体験が現代的な写真手法にも新たな気づきをもたらすと信じています。近年、個人で始めるにはかなり敷居が高くなってしまった銀塩写真(ウエットプロセス)でもあります。ぜひご体験ください。
暗室内でカメラにモノクロ印画紙をセットしたのち、外に出て撮影をします。最初の一枚はシャッターの切り方をレクチャーしながら、その後は自由に2枚程度撮影します。 露光時間は快晴で8秒~曇天で3分ほどです。 室内では最低でも10分以上かかります。
撮影をしたら暗室に戻って、印画紙を取り出し現像します。現像結果を確認したらふたたび印画紙をカメラにセットして撮影に出ます。そしてまた暗室で現像。 これを時間までくり返します。
参加費用:一般 5,000円(材料費、消費税込)ワークショップ当日に現金にてご用意ください。
Capturing Time and Light in a Small Box Pinhole Camera in Karuizawa
Part I: Saturday, January 28th (5pm~6pm): Orientation and Optional Lesson: Building a “temporary darkroom”
Part II: Sunday, January 29th (9am~5pm): Main class
Participants will make a camera without a lens using only a needle hole with a paper box, and open and close the shutter by themselves to capture the time and light flowing in Karuizawa in early winter. The exposure time is approximately 15 seconds to 10 minutes. The first image obtained is a negative (negative image) with inverted black and white tones, and this time, the participants will experience the printing process in the darkroom to create a positive (positive image). This process of fixing light is now considered old-fashioned, but we believe that this experience will bring new insights into modern photographic techniques. This is silver halide photography (wet process) that has become quite difficult for individuals to start in recent years. Please come and experience it for yourself!
1. Assembling the pinhole camera
Assemble the paper box first. After the box is assembled, attach the prepared pinholes, block the light leakage from the box and attach the shutter with black tape. Then the camera is complete.
(All materials for the camera are provided. You can take the camera and photos home with you.)
2. Taking the picture
After setting monochrome photographic paper in the darkroom
Then, go outside to take pictures. For the first click, we will show you how to release the shutter.
After that, we will take two more photographs at our leisure.
Exposure time ranges from 8 seconds on a sunny day to 3 minutes on a cloudy day.
Indoors, it will take at least 10 minutes.
3. Developing
After photographing, we will return to the darkroom and ready the photographic paper
and develop the film. After confirming the development results, we set the photographic paper in the camera again and go out to take pictures.
After checking the development results, we set the photographic paper back into the camera and go out to take pictures. Then, we return to the darkroom to develop the film again in the darkroom.
This process is repeated two or three times.
4. Printing
A print is made by selecting one of the finished negatives and making a print. The negative and new photographic paper are placed on top of each other and we expose them with a flashlight. The prints are then developed in the same way and adjusted for brightness and darkness to complete the print.
Venue: Karuizawa Tourism Association, Tourism Advancement Center
Capacity: 15 public participants
Tuition: 5,000 yen (includes tax and material fees). Students (High School age or below): free
Notes: Participation in the Saturday session is optional. There will be a lunch break
Registration Page: Please register via the either form.