© Toshio Shibata
内容:国内外でその作品が高く評価されている写真家、柴田敏雄。このレクチャーでは、自らのキャリ アと作品を振り返り、東京藝術大学で学んだ油画から写真への転向から代表作「日本典型」が誕生す るまでのプロセス、創作において大切にしている考え方などを語っていただきます。 氏の作品が日本のみならず海外の写真に大きな影響を与えたのか、その鍵を知る貴重な機会となりま す。
Toshio Shibata is a photographer whose work is highly acclaimed both in Japan and abroad. In this lecture, he will look back on his career and works, and talk about the process from the oil painting he studied at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music to the transition to photography, the birth of his masterpiece "Japan Typical," and the ideas he places importance on in his creation. This will be a rare opportunity to learn the key to how his work has greatly influenced photography not only in Japan but also abroad.
受講料:¥2,000 もしくはFestival Passで参加
Festival Pass(フェスティバル・パス)とは様々なKFFイベントに共通券でご参加いただけるシステムです。単独での参加よりもお買い得です。
Location: Tokyu Harvest Club Karuizawa & VIALA
Fee: ¥2,000 or attend with Festival Pass
Capacity: 32 people. Festival Pass Holders have priority
The Festival Pass is a system that allows you to attend various KFF events with a common ticket. It is more economical than attending a single event.
日本各地のダムやコンクリート擁壁などの構造物のある風景を大型カメラで撮影、精緻なモノクロプリントで発表し、1992年、写真展「日本典型」で第17回木村伊兵衛賞受賞。同年、ニューヨーク近代美術館にて「New Photography 8」に選出され出品、1997年にシカゴ現代美術館で個展「Toshio Shibata」を開催するなど、アメリカをはじめ国際的に活躍。2000年代よりカラーの作品にも取り組み始め、その表現の領域を広げる。2008年に東京都写真美術館で「ランドスケープ−柴田敏雄」展を開催し、翌2009年に日本写真協会作家賞、第25回東川賞国内作家賞を受賞。近年の主な展覧会に「与えられた形象−辰野登恵子・柴田敏雄」(2012年・国立新美術館)、「Toshio Shibata: Constructed Landscape」(2013年・ピーボディ・エセックス美術館、アメリカ)などがある。国立東京近代美術館、国立国際美術館、ニューヨーク近代美術館、メトロポリタン美術館、ポンピドゥー美術館など国内外多数の美術館に作品が収蔵されている。
協力:POETIC SCAPE、東急ハーヴェストクラブ軽井沢& VIALA
Born in Tokyo in 1949.
After completing graduate studies in oil painting at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Shibata entered the photography department of the Royal Academy of Ghent, Belgium, and began to take up photography seriously. In 1992, he won the 17th Ihei Kimura Award for his "Nihon Tenkei" exhibition. In the same year, his work was selected for the "New Photography 8" exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and in 1997, his solo exhibition "Toshio Shibata" was held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. In 2008, he held the exhibition "Landscape - Toshio Shibata" at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, and in 2009, he received the Writers' Prize of the Photographic Society of Japan and the 25th Higashikawa Award for Domestic Artists. Recent major exhibitions include "Given Form: Toeko Tatsuno and Toshio Shibata" (The National Art Center, Tokyo, 2012) and "Toshio Shibata: Constructed Landscape" (Peabody Essex Museum of Art, USA, 2013). His works are in the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, the National Museum of Art, Osaka, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Pompidou Museum, and many other museums in Japan and abroad.
With the Cooperation of: POETIC SCAPE, Tokyu Harvest Club Karuizawa & VIALA