KFF ゲストスピーカー・シリーズ ジェーン エヴリン アトウッド
2023年4月12日(水)夜 7:00〜8:30
1947年にニューヨークに生まれたアトウッドは、昨年東京銀座のCHANEL NEXUS HALLで日本では初となる個展を開催しました。
その後もアトウッドは、エイズ患者の密着取材や1女囚たちの撮影、 ハイチの地雷犠牲者の調査など、被写体を深く理解するために、何ヶ月も、時には何年もの間、対象と時間をともにする、極めて私的で情熱的なアプローチでそれぞれのプロジェクトに没頭しました。日本でも、阪神淡路大震災を取材した経歴もあります。
kffメインイベントのゲストスピーカーシリーズのリードオフ・パーソンは世界最高峰に辿り着いた、小さな体と、大きな心の持ち主、ジェーン・エヴリン・アトウッドです。彼女のトークを体験する方々の多くは感銘と感動を持ち帰ることに違いありません。軽井沢の歴史的建造物UNION CHURCHでの特別な夜を一緒に過ごしませんか?
kff総監督 野辺地ジョージ氏が司会・通訳を務めます。
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Join us on Wednesday, April 12th 7pm~8:30pm
Jane Evelyn Atwood, who has had an illustrious career, will come all the way from Paris to Karuizawa to speak at the inaugural KFF. Her life's work is to tell the stories of people on the margins of society.
Born in New York in 1947, she was inspired by an exhibition of Diane Arbus when she was a student, and since 1971, based in Paris, she has continued to photograph people as they are, facing and surviving hardship.
In 1980, she was awarded the first W. Eugene Smith Prize for her debut series of photographs of prostitutes on the Rue Lombard in Paris and a series of blind children, which she had just begun photographing at the time. This prominent award was created in memory of W. Eugene Smith, a well-known photographer who had produced documentary projects for LIFE Magazine and other news organizations for many years. In subsequent years, Atwood immersed herself in each project with a highly personal and passionate approach, spending months, sometimes years, with her subjects in order to gain a deeper understanding of them, whether it was a close-up look at AIDS patients in the early days, photographing female prisoners, or investigating earthquake victims in Haiti. She also worked in Japan, where she covered the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
Atwood held her first solo exhibition in Japan at CHANEL NEXUS HALL in Ginza, Tokyo last year.
The leadoff person for the KFF Guest Speaker Series is Jane Evelyn Atwood, the owner of a small body with a big heart who has reached the world's highest peak of documentary photography. Many who experience her talk are sure to leave impressed and inspired. Join us for a special evening at the historic UNION CHURCH in Karuizawa.
George Nobechi, General Director of KFF, will serve as MC and interpreter.
Admission free
Place: UNION CHURCH, Karuizawa
Pre-registration is requested if possible.