4月27日(土曜日)午前11時〜12時 矢ヶ崎公園会場にてKFF2024オープニングイベントを開催します。どなたでも無料で自由にご参加いただけます。
佳作賞とグランプリの発表、審査員によるコメント、Nobechi Creative提供のフランス産シャンパン(もしくはノンアル・スパークリングワイン)での乾杯、森のチェロコンサート(雨天中止の場合あり)、KFF公式グッズもご用意しております。
Venue:Yagasaki Park
Saturday, April 27, 11:00 a.m. - the KFF2024 Opening Event will be held at the Yagasaki Park site. Everyone is welcome to attend free of charge.
Honorable Mention and Grand Prize awards will be announced, there will be comments by a juror, a toast with French champagne (or non-alcoholic sparkling wine) provided by Nobechi Creative, a forest cello concert (subject to rain cancellation), and official KFF merchandise will be available.
In addition, from 12:30 p.m., a talk event: "POSITIVE PHOTOGRAPHY: INSIDE STORIES OF KFF JURYING" by Professor Kazuhiro Shiozawa, juror, photographer, and professor at Seikei University (paid event) will be held at Shin-Karuizawa Kaikan located in Yagasaki Park.
The KFF Executive Committee looks forward to seeing you there.