葛飾北斎 「薐穴の不二 [ふしあなの富士]」、富嶽百景 (西暦1830年代)より
KFF PHOTO TALK NO. 3: 「写真は可能か?」 -- 日米写真文化の比較を試みる - シンヤB
海の向こうのフランスでは、写真発明家ニエプスが像の定着に成功し、その技術をヘリオグラフ (太陽で描く) と命名し、後に研究を引き継いだダゲールが自身の名前を付けてダゲレオタイプとして世に広めることになる。
Photography という言葉の起源も諸説あるが、イギリスの写真発明家タルボットの共同研究者であった天文学者ハーシェルがギリシャ語の「光」と「描く」を繋いで作ったとされる。日本では写真という言葉がダゲレオタイプ以前から使われていたことが分かっている。写生技術が生き生きとして素晴らしい画家の作品を漢詩では写真と呼んでいたことから、カメラ・オブスクラを「写真鏡」と訳したことが起源ではないかとされている。日本で最初に写真を撮影したのがアメリカ人だったことはあまり知られていない。黒船には写真家も乗っていたのだ。
「写真は可能か?」講演は2部構成でお送りします。第一部では、日米写真文化の比較を作品を通して考察します、第二部は、写真の起源を知り、「写真」と「Photography」という日本語と英語の「言葉」を足がかりに、「写真 = 真実を写す」と「Photography = 光で描く」は「可能か?」を検証していきます。
下北沢 (東京) 生まれ。高校時代からアメリカで暮らし始め、30歳でアメリカの大学院を卒業。米国テンプル大学のジャパンキャンパスにアート学科を立ち上げ、現在は、三軒茶屋にある日米グローバルキャンパスにて、写真の理論と実践の授業を担当中。
個人展覧会として「Things I see, do away (1999, Gallery Art Space)」「Afterwords, Me (2013, 現代ハイツ)」「作例 -- よくある質問と消えていく写真の言葉 (2022, Place M)」などがあり、近年は、審査員と展覧会のキュレーションを担当した RICOH THETA 公式写真展「Beauty is all around 2021 (リコーイメージングスクエア)」が東京と大阪を巡回した。
KFF PHOTO TALK NO. 3: “Is ‘shashin’ possible?” -- a comparative look at the culture of photography in Japan and the US - Shinya B
Katsushika Hokusai once depicted the image of Fuji projected on a shoji (paper sliding door) by light from a knot hole.
In France, the photographic inventor Niepce succeeded in fixing the image and named his technique “heliography” (drawing by the sun), which was later popularized as the daguerreotype by Daguerre, who took over the research and named it after himself.
The origin of the word "Photography" is also the subject of various theories, but it is said to have been coined by the astronomer Herschel, a collaborator of the British photographic inventor Talbot, by combining the Greek words for "light" and "drawing." It is known that the word "shashin [photography]" was used in Japan even before the daguerreotype. It is believed to have originated from the translation of camera obscura as "shashin kagami [photographic mirror]," as the works of painters whose sketching techniques were vivid and brilliant were called "shashin" in Chinese poetry. It is not widely known that the first photographers in Japan were Americans. The Black Ships also had photographers on board.
The talk "Is 'Shashin' Possible?" will be presented in two parts. In the first part, a comparison of Japanese and U.S. photographic culture will be discussed through the works. As we move into the second part, we will learn about the origins of photography. Also, using the Japanese word "shashin" and the English word "photography" as stepping-stones, we will examine whether "shashin = reflecting the truce" and "photography = drawing by lights" are “possible.”
Event Details:
Thursday, Feb 23rd (holiday) 4pm~6pm
Location: Hotel Otowa no Mori, Karuizawa. (Access)
Participation fee: Free
Registration page: Please register via either form.
Speaker Profile
Shinya B
Photographer, artist, dramaturge.
Born in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo. He received a Master of Fine Arts in Photography from Tyler School of Art at the age of 30. He initiated an art major program at Temple University, Japan Campus in 2003. He is currently a professor at the Japan-US Global Campus in Sangenjaya, where he teaches photographic practices and theories. He has produced many solo photography shows including "Things I see, do away (1999, Gallery Art Space)", "Afterwords, Me (2013, Gendai Heights)", and "Sakurei -- Commonly Asked Questions and the Words Disappearing from Photography (2022, Place M)".
He is one of the jurors for the RICOH THETA official photo contest. He curated the official THETA photo exhibition called "Beauty is all around 2021 (Ricoh Imaging Square Tokyo & Osaka)".
Since 2020, he is the photo lecturer for Adobe Inc. in Japan.